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Boy, each holding stakes, lunged without hesitation. Mossette put a stake through one vampire's heart. Baby Boy missed his target vampire's heart but punctured its arm. The other two quick moving undead attacked Cyclops who held onto the duffel bag rather than grabbing a weapon and defending himself. While they dined on the fallen looter, one vampire, then the other got a stake rammed through their heart from behind by Mossette. Baby Boy was on the ground struggling with the wounded vampire, desperately trying to keep its fangs from puncturing his skin.

Mossette stepped over the struggling pair.

"I ought to let him feast on your ass. You fight like a pussy. You know that?"

Baby Boy cried out. "Get him the fuck off me, man!"

Mossette took a spike from the shoulder bag and rammed it through the vampire's back. It shrieked and slumped onto Baby Boy.

"Get him off your damn self," Mossette said.

The four vampires were on the ground decomposing. Mossette and Baby Boy stood over their friend. Cyclops was winded, nearly hysterical. He had been badly bitten on the neck and arm. Worst of all, so much force had been used to penetrate one of the vampires that the stake came out of its chest and broke through Cyclops's skin. The vampire's infectious blood had already begun to invade his body. Had already begun to take it over.

"They fucked him up, man! What are we gonna do?"



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